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Dashboard: Compare Tab Overview
Dashboard: Compare Tab Overview
Ievgen Iosifov avatar
Written by Ievgen Iosifov
Updated over a week ago


Dashboard: Compare Tab

Compare Tab gives you the possibility to compare Agents, Date Ranges, Teams, and much more.

Selection of what to compare is provided by the Filter/Search window, where you can select Agents/Teams, dates, duration of calls, etc.

Open the Dashboard page from the main menu:

On the right side, you can see Tabs: Main, Overall, and Compare. Click Compare to open the Compare Tab:

Compare Tab will be opened:

Add to comparison

Selection of what to compare is provided by the Filter/Search window, where you can select Agents/Teams, dates, duration of calls, etc.

For example, you can:

  1. Select in filters Team "Customer Support", and choose a range equal to "Previous month".

  2. After adding to the comparison you will be able to see the stats of the "Customer Support" Team.

Then apply the same Steps 1 and 2 to add to compare stats of another Team/Range:

You will be able to add as many comparison groups as you would like.

Remove from comparison

To remove a group from the comparison, click the remove button on top of the comparison group column:

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